About the Ad Library

Find out information about the Ad Library.

The Microsoft Ad Library is a public-facing repository of ads served by Microsoft Advertising on Bing in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). The Ad Library includes ads which received impressions in the EU and the EEA regardless of advertiser location. The information provided by the Ad Library serves to empower people to make informed choices about the ads, products, and services they engage with online. Individuals may search for ads in the Ad Library by ad content or the advertiser and may filter by dates and/or the country or countries where the ad was served.

Information included in the Ad Library

Select View ad details when searching for ads to learn more about them, including:

  • Advertiser name and the country, or countries, where the advertiser is located
  • Who paid for the ad, if different from the advertiser
  • A representative copy of each ad, including ad content, images, and links
  • The start and end dates of the ad
  • Estimated reach (total estimated impressions for ads delivered in the EU/EEA and a percentage breakdown by country)
  • General targeting criteria the advertiser chose for the ad
  • Either the advertiser ID or account ID will be visible in the Ad Library URL that's associated with the advertiser. For advertisers who have completed Advertiser Identity Verification (AIV), their advertiser ID will be shown. For advertisers who haven't completed AIV, their account ID will be shown. The account ID is the unique number that Microsoft Advertising uses to identify the account. Please note that the advertiser ID or account ID are also available in the Ad Library API.
  • The advertiser's name displayed in the Ad Library depends on whether they've completed the AIV process. The advertiser's name will match either the business name associated with their Microsoft Advertising account if they haven't yet completed AIV, or the business name they verified during the AIV process (if completed).

Frequently asked questions

What advertisements are included in the Ad Library?

The Ad Library includes all ads served on Bing through the Microsoft Advertising Network that have received impressions in the EU/EEA. The advertisers can be located in both the EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA countries. For example, ads served to Bing users in France by advertisers located in the United States will appear in the Ad Library.

As an advertiser, can I opt out from my ads being shown in the Ad Library?

No. Pursuant to the EU Digital Services Act, all ads served on Bing in the EU must be publicly available in the Ad Library. Additionally, all ad types are eligible to appear in the Ad Library.

Can certain ads or information about ads be removed or redacted from the Ad Library?

No. Microsoft includes all legally required information in the Ad Library and such information cannot be removed. However, ads that violate Microsoft Advertising's policies are not included in the Ad Library. When an ad has been removed for this reason, we show an explanation of why the ad was removed and link to the corresponding policy violation.

Will my advertisements be visible to anyone searching in the Ad Library?

If your ads were served on Bing in the EU/EEA, they will be visible to anyone searching in the Ad Library. Ads that did not receive impressions in the EU/EEA won't appear in the Ad Library. Please note ads will be removed from the Ad Library one year after the ad was last presented.

Will all of my advertisements be visible in the Ad Library?

Only the ads that have been served to Bing users in the EU and the EEA member states are included in the Ad Library.

Can competitors view information about my ads in the Ad Library?

Yes. The Ad Library is a public repository.

How long does it take for an ad to appear in the Ad Library?

Ads appear in the Ad Library within 24-48 hours after receiving their first eligible impression. Eligible impressions are counted only for ads delivered in the EU/EEA. Any edits made to an ad will be reflected 24-48 hours after it receives an eligible impression.

If I deactivated a Microsoft Advertising account(s) or deleted/paused a campaign(s), will the associated ads still be displayed in the Ad Library?

Yes. Ads and all related information are displayed in the Ad Library while the ads are active and for one year after they stop running. An ad's start date is determined by the date when the ad received its first impression in the EU/EEA. The end date is determined by the date when the ad received its last impression in the EU/EEA.

Note: If you enable a paused campaign after one year, all associated ads will appear in the Ad Library as new ads.

Are advertisers charged for any clicks when someone selects their ads while searching in the Ad Library?

If someone searching through the Ad Library selects an ad preview in the Ad Details page, they'll be redirected to the advertiser's destination URL. We won't charge advertisers for these clicks, as there's no referral link for advertisers to identify which traffic came from the Ad Library.

What ad types are eligible to appear in the Ad Library?

App install ads, audience ads, dynamic search ads, Hotel price ads, multimedia ads, product ads, responsive search ads, text ads, and vertical ads are eligible to appear in the Ad Library if they served were served on Bing through the Microsoft Advertising Network and received impressions in the EU/EEA. Ad extensions are excluded.

How can I report an ad I see in the Ad Library?

To report an issue or concern with an ad shown on Bing, use the Low-quality ad submission and escalation form or Intellectual property concern form to Microsoft Advertising, depending on your concern.

When searching for an ad in the Ad Library, does filtering my search by date impact which version of the ad I see if the advertiser has edited it?

The most recently updated version of an ad always appears in the Ad Library. Any edits made to an ad will be reflected 24-48 hours after it receives an eligible impression.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

Please contact support if you have further questions or need assistance.

What is the Ad Library and how do I use it?

With the Ad Library you can search for ads served on Bing in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). You may search by ad content or the advertiser. You can further filter your search by date and the country where the ad was served. Please note that you can only search for ads shown on Bing from the time they are active to one year after the ad was last served.

I'm an advertiser and have questions about the ads or information shown in the Ad Library. Where can I find help?

To learn more about the Ad Library, see About the Ad Library.

Who can access the Ad Library?

The Ad Library is available for everybody in all countries.

For ads that recently started serving, how long does it take them to appear in the Ad Library?

Ads appear in the Ad Library within 24-48 hours after receiving their first eligible impression. Eligible impressions are counted only for ads delivered in the EU/EEA. Any edits made to an ad will be reflected 24-48 hours after it receives an eligible impression.

After an ad has stopped running on Bing, how long is it available in the Ad Library?

After an ad stops running, it remains in the Ad Library exactly one year after the date of its last eligible impression.

How can I turn off personalized ads for my Microsoft account?

You can change your personalized ad settings in your privacy dashboard: Microsoft account | Privacy

How does the Ad Library determine the start and end dates for which an ad ran?

The start date is determined by the date when the ad received its first impression in the EU/EEA. The end date is determined by the date when the ad received its last impression in the EU/EEA.

Am I able to see ads with restricted content in the Ad Library?

Yes, ads with restricted content are available in the Ad Library, but certain content may be blocked. Please note that ads that violate Microsoft Advertising's policies are not included in the Ad Library. Where an ad has been removed for this reason, we show a disclaimer explaining why the ad was removed and link to the corresponding policy violation.

What is ad targeting?

Ad targeting allows advertisers to focus on reaching potential customers who meet their targeting criteria, including age, gender, location, and audiences associated with their audience lists. This increases the chance that the target audience will see their ads.

Are ads from all countries available in the Ad Library?

No, only ads delivered in the EU/EEA are included. The Ad Library applies to all advertisers globally who have served ads in the EU/EEA. This includes ads with global targeting which have received impressions in the EU/EEA.

Do ads that have been disapproved in one or more countries appear in the Ad Library?

If an ad has been approved in at least one EU/EEA member state, then it will appear in the Ad Library. Please note that approval status may vary by country. For more information about the editorial review process, see The Editorial Review overview.

If I have a question that isn't answered here, where can I find help?

Please contact support.

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