Vertical ads

Learn how Vertical ads can generate ads with high-quality placements.

Vertical ads are powered by dynamic data feeds to generate ads with high-quality placements. With no keyword requirement, Microsoft AI dynamically generates these personalized ads, yielding more volume, increased click-through rates (CTR), and lower cost per click (CPC) rates.

These ads include:

Look out for more Vertical ads coming soon!

What you need to know

  • Vertical ads' auctions are independent from text ads' auctions. This means that you may serve in both the text ad block and the Vertical ads block.
  • Vertical ads' auctions are based on cost per click (CPC).
  • Vertical ads generated by search campaigns require the creation of a separate text ad, which is associated to the Vertical ad in its data feed file. Please see the individual Vertical ads' help articles (linked above) for step-by-step instructions.

Vertical ads' setup

No matter the type of vertical you're creating ads for, the setup process is straightforward.

To set up a Vertical ad, 1) create a campaign, 2) upload a feed file, and 3) set up feed scheduling.

For more detailed information, see the individual Vertical ads' help articles (linked above).

Best practices for Vertical ads

  • Feeds: Provide a comprehensive feed of all available offerings. (For example, your Automotive inventory listings or all of your Professional Services offerings.) Because search terms are curated and matched to relevant offers based on your feed's rich attributes (e.g., image URLs), they are critical to the success of your Vertical ads.
  • Keywords: While there's no keyword requirement, you can use negative keywords as you would for text ads: To filter out unwanted search terms, leverage negative keywords. Learn more about negative keywords.
  • Optimization: Use tracking templates and conversion goals to optimize your Vertical ads. Learn more.
  • Reporting: You can download standard performance reports by navigating to Reports > Reports > Performance > either Campaign, Ad, or Keyword. You can also access feed item reporting for Vertical ads.
  • Targeting: Set location targeting in your campaign settings to the appropriate markets to ensure ads are eligible to serve to all relevant customers. We recommend that you measure and monitor baseline performance first, and then fine-tune the return on investment based on audiences. Learn more about location targeting.

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