My rejected offer is non-appealable. What do I do?

Learn what to do if your product offer has been rejected in Microsoft Merchant Center.

During our editorial review process, we reject product offers that violate one or more of the Microsoft Advertising Policies and Guidelines. Some rejected product offers are non-appealable; these include:

  • The offer's policy violation is non-appealable.
  • You have already appealed the rejection and were denied.
  • You submitted the offer over 180 days ago.

What to do if your offer is non-appealable

If your rejected product offers are non-appealable, you can review the advertising policies and guidelines and make changes to your offers. Then, reupload your catalog feed file in Merchant Center. Each time you upload a feed file for your store, we automatically check to see if the product offers comply with our policies and guidelines.

If you need further assistance, you may contact support.

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