Use vertical-based product ads to showcase dynamic product and service feeds

Learn about vertical-based product ads for the Microsoft Audience Network.

Not everyone has this feature yet. If you don't, don't worry—it's coming soon!

Vertical-based product ads use industry-specific dynamic data feeds to create ads on the Microsoft Audience Network. They save you time because you don’t have to build individual ads for the Microsoft Audience Network – the data and images in your dynamic data feeds can be updated in bulk and automatically transformed into audience ads, search ads, or both. We’ll match items in your feed that your target audience has shown interest in using Microsoft's audience intelligence intent signals.

The setup for vertical-based product ads will be familiar if you have product ads in shopping campaigns. Instead of integrating feeds from your Merchant Center Store, you will use your vertical-based business data. If you want to bid boost your valuable users using remarketing and dynamic remarketing segments, we highly recommend it. Learn about Dynamic remarketing lists: Remarketing for products.

Here’s how it works

  • We use attributes from your uploaded business data feeds to show vertical-based ads on the Microsoft Audience Network: Title, brand, price, and final URL information.
  • Images: Product image URLs from your feed can show in the ad.

Create a feed-based audience campaign

Before you create your campaign, you’ll need to upload a dynamic data feed. Learn how at Business data feeds.

Available dynamic data feeds include:

Once you’ve uploaded your dynamic data feed, you can create a vertical-based product ad campaign.

  1. From the collapsible menu on the left, select All campaigns > Campaigns > Create.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, select Create.

  2. Choose Sell products as your campaign goal.
  3. Select Standard Shopping as your campaign type.
  4. Select Audience below Choose the type of shopping campaign you prefer.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. Follow the instructions to create your campaign.
  7. Under Catalog, choose the dynamic feed file that you previously uploaded.
  8. Under Products, select All products. To maximize ad volume, we don’t recommend product filters. If you choose to filter by products, you can choose from the industry-specific filters provided.
  9. Select Save & go to next step.
  10. Continue to choose any additional settings for your campaign.
  11. Select Save.


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