Ensure proper consent transmission for users visiting from the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom, and Switzerland by implementing Consent Mode or the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) with your UET tags to avoid any negative impact on conversion attribution and remarketing segments. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Learn more
If you're advertising in connection with any financial, insurance, education, career and employment, and/or housing services, you cannot use individuals' demographics—such as age, gender, location, etc.—for the purpose of personalizing advertising, segmenting, or profiling customers.
When people look for products and services online, they rarely convert on their first visit. That's where remarketing comes in. Remarketing lets you improve your return on investment by optimizing your campaigns for people who have visited your website before.
Before you start setting up remarketing, make sure you have:
From the navigation menu on the left, select Tools > Audiences.
The choices are:
Defined as two rule groups:
Group1: A rule group that has 2 rules (Rule1, Rule2)
Group2: A rule group that has 2 rules (Rule3, Rule4)
Rule1 = URL contains X
Rule2 = URL does not start with Y
Rule3 = Referral URL equals Z
Rule4 = URL starts with A
When you choose Match every rule group:
Equals people who have visited any webpage where
((URL Contains X) OR (URL does not start with Y))
((Referral URL equals Z) OR (URL starts with A))
When you choose Match any rule group:
Equals people who have visited any webpage where
((URL Contains X) AND (URL does not start with Y))
((Referral URL equals Z) AND (URL stars with A))
Keep in mind that a rule group takes effect only when ALL of its rules have been met. For example, say you have a rule group that contains two rules: URL contains X and URL contains Y. Only a URL that contains X AND Y satisfies the requirement.
Defined as two expressions:
Visited Page1: An expression that has 2 rules (Rule1, Rule2)
Visited Page2: An expression that has 2 rules (Rule3, Rule4)
Rule1 = URL contains X
Rule2 = URL does not start with Y
Rule3 = Referral URL equals Z
Rule4 = URL starts with A
Equals people who have visited one or more pages that satisfy
((URL Contains X) OR (URL does not start with Y))
((Referral URL equals Z) OR (URL starts with A))
Note that in this case, if a user visits just one page that satisfies rules across the 2 expressions (say Rule1 and Rule 4), the user will still be added to the list. In other words, even if user visits just 1 page, they will be part of the list.
Keep in mind that a rule group takes effect only when ALL of its rules have been met. For example, say you have a rule group that contains two rules: URL contains X and URL contains Y. Only a URL that contains X AND Y satisfies the requirement.
Defined as two expressions:
Visited Page1: An expression that has 2 rules (Rule1, Rule2)
Didn't visit Page2: An expression that has 2 rules (Rule3, Rule4)
Rule1 = URL contains X
Rule2 = URL does not start with Y
Rule3 = Referral URL equals Z
Rule4 = URL starts with A
Equals people who have visited pages where
(URL Contains X) OR (URL does not start with Y)
EXCLUDE users that visited pages where
(Referral URL equals Z) OR (URL start with A)
Note that in this case, if a user visits just one page that satisfies rules across the 2 expressions (say Rule1 and Rule4), the user will not be added to the list. In other words, even if a user visits just one page, they will not be part of the list.
At least one of the conditions must be specified. If more than 1 is specified, the conditions are joined using AND.
Operators for Category, Action, Label are:
Equals/Not equals
Contains/ Does not contain
Starts with/Does not start with
Ends with/Does not end with
Operators for Value are:
Equal to
Greater than
Less than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Category, Action, Label values are string, whereas Value is a number > 0.
Input the string and condition to use when matching the webpage URL with the string.
equals: In this case, the input string must exactly match with the URL on which the UET event fired. However, http(s) and www are ignored (rest of the string must match). For example, if you provide an input string of contoso.com, and the URL is http://www.contoso.com or https://www.contoso.com, Microsoft Advertising will consider it as a match and vice versa will also be true.
contains: When this operator is used, Microsoft Advertising verifies if the input string is present anywhere in the URL reported by the UET tag.
starts with: This matches identical characters starting from the beginning of the string up to and including the last character in the input string. However, http(s) and www are ignored (rest of the string must match). Use this option when your page URLs are generally unvarying but when they include additional parameters at the end that you want to exclude. For example, if you provide an input string of contoso, and the URL is http://www.contoso.com or https://www.contoso.com, Microsoft Advertising will consider it as a match and vice versa will also be true.
ends with: This matches identical characters at the end of the string up to and including the first character in the input string.
not equals: The input string doesn't match the URL that people visited.
does not contain: The input string isn't present anywhere in the URL that people visited.
does not start with: The input string doesn't match the beginning of the URL that people visited.
does not end with: The input string doesn't match the end of the URL that people visited.
What is UET and how do I set it up?
Take a look at this article.
How are UET tags, conversion goals, and remarketing lists related? Do I need to create a goal for remarketing lists? How do I create a UET tag?
A UET tag records what customers do on your website and then Microsoft Advertising collects that data, allowing you to create conversion goals to track conversions or target audiences using remarketing lists. UET is a prerequisite for conversion tracking and remarketing. You create one single UET tag in Microsoft Advertising and then add it to your website once.
It is important to note that the only commonality between conversion goals and remarketing lists is that they share a common UET tag. Beyond that, there is no need to create goals to define remarketing lists, or vice versa. During the creation of conversion goals and remarketing lists, you select what UET tag to use. We recommend that you install one UET tag across your website, and use that tag for both conversion tracking and remarketing.
What is sharing? When should I add a remarketing list to all accounts versus a specific account?
When you create a remarketing list, you can use Sharing to determine whether to add the remarketing list to the current account, or allow the remarketing list to be shared across all accounts under the manager account.
How many remarketing list associations can I have?
Take a look at the table in What are my options for audiences?
What is the ad delivery behavior when multiple bid boost settings are in place? What other types of bid adjustments are possible?
If someone qualifies to be part of multiple remarketing lists AND the remarketing lists are associated with the same ad group or campaign with different bids, the highest bid will be applied.
If you set different bids for device, ad schedule, location, and demographic, the bids get multiplied when your ad is shown.
This is the same as Google Ads. Note that there are complex ad selection algorithms that optimize for revenue and relevance.
It isn't always guaranteed that the highest bid wins. Microsoft Advertising allows bid adjustments to be defined based on, for instance, device and ad schedule at both campaign and ad group levels.
Does Microsoft Advertising honor user opt-outs as part of remarketing?
Yes. People can opt out of personalized ads in two ways: from Microsoft's Ad settings page and from Windows Settings. When someone opts out, the expectation is that they don't
receive any ads that are targeted based on their demographic/geographic attributes or their inferred interests based on online behavior.
Does remarketing work across devices (PC, tablet, and mobile)?
Yes, remarketing works across devices. This means that if a user engages with different device and browser combinations (and hence may have different MUIDs), all their MUIDs and ANID are associated with the remarketing list for which their actions qualify them.
When users return to your website, our ad delivery engines apply your specific bid boosts. Similarly, if a user previously visited your website on a device, they will be qualified to see your ads on any other device as long as they have signed in with a Microsoft Advertising account. All this is possible because Microsoft uses a heuristics based approach to associate users MUIDs and ANID across devices.
Please note that any heuristics based approach is ultimately an approximation science and cannot guarantee good results all the time. There are ongoing efforts to make optimizations.
UET tags only support browsers, which means that user actions on your apps can't be used to add them to remarketing lists.
Can remarketing lists be associated with ad groups or campaigns set up for Product ads and Microsoft Shopping campaigns?
What happens when you edit a remarketing list?
There are 2 parts to this question:
How long does it take before users are added to remarketing lists and remarketed to?
When you create remarketing lists, you specify what user actions on your website qualify them to be part of the remarketing lists.
When users perform qualifying actions, they are added to the remarketing lists within minutes. If the remarketing list minimum size of 300 (minimum cookie pool) is met, and you have associated the remarketing list with an ad group or campaign (including exclusions) and set a specific bid amount, the ad delivery engine will start serving remarketed ads to those users on Microsoft Advertising.
Note our reporting pipelines are slower and take one day to reflect the list size. When you create their remarketing lists, we try to provide an estimation of the list size in the first 6 hours based on some sample data. The data is then replaced with the actual list size when the reporting pipelines execute.
I don't see any impressions associated with my remarketing lists in either the Audiences table or the audience performance report. Why?
My remarketing list size is too small (or too large). I see different numbers in Google Ads / Google Analytics. What could be the reason?
All platforms (Google, Microsoft, etc.) use browser cookies to track users online. These cookies are specific to a device + browser so it is commonplace for a single user to have several cookies based on device + browser combinations they use. These platforms have components in place to identify multiple cookies of the same user as duplicates and de-dup. It is commonplace hence to see variation in the counts b/w these platforms given the differences in the logic used by those components.
A greater or smaller list size is not always a bad thing. A list is ultimately a collection of user cookies. Even if one user is represented multiple times in that list, it is still the same user. Depending on which device + browser combination the user uses, the system will identify the corresponding cookie to be associated with a remarketing list. It is impossible that a user that is not actually part of a remarketing list will ever get remarketed to.
How can I create and edit associations in bulk?
Can I use a "Target and bid" setting for one audience list and a "Bid only" setting for another audience list in the same ad group or campaign?
No, you can only select one targeting setting per ad group/campaign that will apply to all your audience lists in that ad group/campaign (either "Target and bid" or "Bid only"). It isn't possible to use different targeting settings in the same ad group for remarketing lists, in-market audiences, and custom audiences. Whichever setting you've selected most recently ("Target and bid" or "Bid only") overrides any previous settings.
How do I edit targeting setting for an association?
Targeting settings can be edited one ad group/campaign at a time from the Audiences table by selecting on Create association and then selecting the relevant ad group/campaign. The updated targeting setting is applied to all the associations of that ad group/campaign. If you want to do this in bulk for multiple ad groups, please use Microsoft Advertising Editor. Learn more about editing targeting settings for an association
Is retargeting allowed for sensitive categories?
All retargeting must comply with all laws and regulations, including any prohibitions to creation of remarketing lists based on sensitive data. It is the advertisers responsibility to ensure they comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
We recommend that advertisers follow industry best practices where retargeting on sensitive categories is not prohibited by law. Advertisers can find more information on industry best practices in the NAI code of conduct. Additional information about our remarketing policy can be found on the remarketing policy page.
What are sensitive data/sensitive categories?
Sensitive data is, among others, information about a person's physical or emotional health, sexual orientation, religion,
or financial status. Some examples of sensitive categories are listed below:
Are there any vertical-level restrictions for retargeting like alcohol, pharmaceutical, or religious/ethnic dating advertisers?
Advertisers are responsible for compliance with applicable regulations and industry best practices. Some vertical-level restrictions do exist:
Will an advertiser experience rejection due to a specific retargeting category which may be sensitive in nature?
As an advertiser, you are in full control of the retargeting categories you create and Microsoft Advertising requires that you to comply with any applicable restrictions. Upon receipt of an escalation or complaint for a sensitive retargeting category you created, we may reject your campaign. Ad review will otherwise work as usual.
Can advertisers create an audience for users under the age of 13 or implement retargeting on a site directed to children under the age of 13?
No, advertisers cannot create a remarketing list, retarget, or otherwise profile users under the age of 13 (or a different local age requirement). In addition, advertisers cannot target users under the minimum age required for the product they are advertising. For example, alcohol ads cannot be targeted to individuals under the minimum drinking age in the location(s) targeted.
Remarketing is just one of our audience targeting options.