Set up UET tags using Adobe Launch

Third-party tag managers allow you to manage your website tags in one place. Learn how to set up UET tags using Adobe Launch.
  • This article shows how to do a basic setup of UET tags with Adobe Launch. Adobe Launch offers several advanced features to customize when and how your tags are fired. Please refer to the Adobe Help Center for more information.
  • Microsoft Advertising is not responsible for Adobe's processes or documentation, nor for changes made to Adobe's processes or documentation.

Tag managers replace static tags with dynamic tags that are easier to implement and update. The dynamic tag is a container, a small snippet of code that allows you to dynamically insert tags into your website. You can think of the container tag as a bucket that holds other types of tags.

Implementing UET using Adobe Launch

  1. Set up an account in Adobe Launch, if you haven't already.
  2. Create a property in Adobe Launch:
    1. Navigate to your company page, then click New Property.
    2. For Name, give your property a unique name.
    3. For Domain, enter the root URL of the property.
    4. (Optional) Select the Return an empty string for undefined values of Data Elements check box if you want undefined values to be empty, rather than assigned default values.
    5. Click Save.
  3. In your Launch Admin Console, go to the Extensions tab and click Catalog.
  4. Search for "Microsoft Advertising UET Tag" and click Install.
  5. In the Install Extension page, input your Microsoft Advertising UET tag ID and modify the settings for the tag (enable navigation timing metrics, conversion tracking cookie, update global event tracking name — we recommend keeping the default setting for performance setting and cookie). Note: You can find your UET tag by selecting Conversion Tracking > UET tags in your Microsoft Advertising account.
  6. Click Save. You can now find the newly installed "Microsoft Advertising UET Tag" extension under Extensions > Installed.
  7. Go to the Rules tab and click Create New Rule to ensure a UET event is sent on every page view.
  8. Give the rule a name, and then configure it with the following conditions:
    1. Create a new event and set Event Type to DOM Ready.
    2. Create a new action and select Microsoft Advertising UET Tag as the Extension and then Base Tag as the Action Type.
  9. If you are using any features that are based on custom events (for example, reporting variable revenue, custom event remarketing list, dynamic remarketing), you will need to create another rule and a data element for any event that dynamically retrieves a value from the page. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
    1. Go to the Data Elements tab and click on Create New Data Element. (Data elements let you create a data map of commonly used items on a page — we suggest creating a data element, then setting up a rule, and lastly binding action parameters to data elements.)
    2. Enter a name and then define the data element.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Go to the Rules page and click Add Rule.
    5. Configure the rule to match your scenario:
      • For Events, select how the custom parameter is being triggered (for example, on page click).
      • For Actions, select what values should be sent via UET. If you're using custom parameters, you'll need to select Microsoft Advertising UET Tag as the Extension and Custom Event as the Action Type. Then add the parameters in the right-hand side.
      • If you’re using an event action parameter (to build custom event remarketing or to track conversions), you will need to configure the Select event action field.
  10. Go to the Publishing tab.
  11. Under Development, click Add New Library.
  12. Enter a name, select a development environment to deploy to, and then add the resources you created earlier (for example, extensions, data elements, and rules).
  13. Click Save.
  14. Build and deploy to the development environment you specified.
  15. Embed the environment's instrument snippet on your test page. You can find the instrument snippet on the Environments page by clicking the Install button.
  16. Go to your page and verify your data elements and rules are working as expected. Use the UET Tag Helper to verify all events and parameters are being sent via UET correctly.
  17. Once you've validated the test page, go back to Adobe Launch and publish the changes in the Publishing tab.
  18. Go to the Environments page to obtain the Adobe Launch script snippet for the Production environment and place the new snippet in your website's code.


To see an example of an Adobe Launch UET tag installed in the body of a webpage, visit our Adobe Launch sample page (English only), right-click in the webpage, and then click View source or View page source depending on your browser.

This page is set up to support:

  • Variable revenue for conversion goals
  • Dynamic remarketing: product ID and page type
  • Custom event for remarketing list

On the page is a JavaScript variable "cart" that stores the contents of a shopping cart and sends the values to UET when you click the Submit button. Here's what it looks like in the website's code:

var cart = {
    'currency': 'USD',
    'total': product.price * product.quantity,
    'transaction_id': '105305b2-134f-4479-a2c3-b456170d060c',
    'items': [ product ]

Let's configure Adobe Launch to report the sample page's parameters.

  1. In Adobe Launch, create a new data element that defines where the custom parameter values are stored. Take transaction_id as an example: Set Data Element Type as JavaScript Variable, and Path to variable as cart.transaction_id.
  2. Repeat this process for each custom parameter on the page: currency, revenue value, and items.
  3. Create a rule to trigger a UET event when you perform a certain action. In our example, various custom parameters (such as event category and product ID) will be fired when you click the button.
    1. Under Events, click Add to determine when to fire the rule.
    2. Set Event Type as Click, and Elements matching the CSS selector as "#purchase" (the JavaScript element in the page).
    3. Under Actions, click Add to determine what will be fired.
    4. For Extension, select Microsoft Advertising UET Tag, and for Action Type, select Custom Event.
    5. For Select event type, select Purchase.
    6. Continue to add all the parameters that the page is sending and select the matching data element for each. For example, for Items, select transaction_id.
  4. Go to the Publishing tab and under Development, click Add New Library.
  5. Enter a name and then add the resources created earlier (extension, data elements, rules).
  6. Click Save.
  7. Build and deploy to a development environment.
  8. Embed the environment's instrument snippet on your test page. You can find the instrument snippet on the Environments page by clicking the Install button.
  9. Go to the sample page and verify your data elements and rules are working as expected. In the sample page, a page load event is always sent when you load the page and a custom event is sent only when you click the Submit button. These events trigger the UET tag, resulting in HTTP requests. The most important requests are to "" (the one that looks like ""). You can use third-party tools such as Fiddler to monitor all the requests that your browser is making when the webpage loads and when the button is pressed.


  • If you want to return an array of values in the UET event, we recommend using a data element to return the array object for the array-typed parameters rather than directly set it in the parameter value field. For example, to return this array of values ([{'id':'0', 'name':'a'}, {'id':'1', 'name':'b'}]) for items parameter in the UET event:
    1. Create a data element: Set Name as "obj01", Extension as "Core", and Data Element Type as "Custom Code".
    2. Click Open Editor in the right panel and paste the JavaScript code that returns an object for this data element "return [{'id':'0', 'name':'a'}, {'id':'1', 'name':'b'}]".
    3. In the Rule section, set the parameter value for the item parameter as "%obj01%".

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