Making bulk changes in Hotel price ads

Learn how to make bulk changes in Hotel price ads.

As of April 9th, you'll no longer have full access to Hotel Center. We're looking forward to introducing you to Property Center, which will provide exciting self-serving capabilities. Thanks for waiting patiently as we update our help content with the new features. In the meantime, you can read about these upcoming changes and how to make your migration process smoother.


Hotel price ads is currently available in beta testing. Please contact your account manager for details on how you might be able to join. If you don't have an account manager, please fill out the enrollment form.

You can update your bids, bid multipliers, and property group associations in bulk via the Microsoft Hotel Center UI, CSV upload as well as Hotels API.

Bulk edit bid and bid strategy in Microsoft Advertising

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Hotel center > Overview.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools > Hotel center > Overview.

  2. Select the View by Subaccount dropdown menu and select either Property or Property group.
  3. Select the properties or property groups you want to edit in bulk by selecting the associated checkboxes in the table. You can also search for specific properties or property groups in the search box above the table.
  4. Select Edit > Set bid and bid strategy.
  5. Enter the bid and bid strategy details.
  6. Select Save.

Bulk edit bid multipliers in Microsoft Advertising

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Hotel center > Overview.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools > Hotel center > Overview.

  2. Select the View by Subaccount dropdown menu and select either Property or Property group.
  3. Select the properties or property groups you want to edit in bulk by selecting the associated checkboxes in the table. You can also search for specific properties or property groups in the search box above the table.
  4. Select Edit > Set bid multipliers.
  5. Enter the Device type, Data type, Site type, User country/region, Length of stay, Check-in day, and ABW details.
  6. Optional: Check Use parent multipliers to use the subaccount bid multiplier setting.
  7. Select Save.

Bulk edit property group associations in Microsoft Advertising

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Hotel center > Overview.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools > Hotel center > Overview.

  2. In the Group Editor tab, select or create the property group you would like to move properties into or out of.
  3. If moving properties into the group, select the desired properties under "Other properties" and select "<<" to move them into the group. If moving properties out of the group, select the desired properties under your group and select ">>" to ungroup them.
  4. You can increase the maximum number of properties that can be grouped or ungrouped in one operation by changing the number of rows displayed.

Make bulk changes using a CSV upload

  1. Download the Hotel price ads bulk upload template. You can also download and edit a CSV list of your properties by navigating to Overview > View by: Property > Download. If making bulk changes to property group associations, you can similarly download a CSV list of your current associations by navigating to Group Editor > Download associations as CSV.
  2. Prepare your spreadsheet for upload using the below tables for guidance.
  3. Navigate to Accounts Summary > Bulk Operations > Uploads.
  4. Select Browse to locate your updated spreadsheet, then select Upload and preview and finally Apply changes to complete your bulk changes.

When preparing your spreadsheet, the FormatVersion row and Name column should not be altered.

I want to bulk edit... Columns required
Property bids Type, Account Id, Id, Bid, Bid type
Property bid multipliers

Type, Account ID, ID, Parent ID

Also required are one or more bid multiplier columns which are documented below.

Property group associations Type, Account ID, ID, Parent ID

Column(s) Description
Type Defines the type of update being made. Possible values include: Property, Property group, Property association.
Name Used by the FormatVersion row only, do not edit.
Account Id Your Microsoft Advertising account ID.
Id The ID of the entity being updated. For property group associations, this is the ID of the property to be grouped or ungrouped.
Parent Id The ID of the direct parent entity. For property group updates, this is the subaccount ID. For property group association updates, this is the ID of the group to move the property into.
Bid type Possible values: Percentage, Fixed.
Bid The corresponding bid value. For both percentage and fixed bids, up to two decimal points of precision are supported. For example, 8.25 represents 8.25% if your bid type is percentage, or $8.25 if your bid type is fixed. Set to delete_value if you want the property or property group to inherit its bid from its parent.
Device computer
Device tablet
Device mobile

Adjust your bids based on the device the searcher is using.

  • To increase a device's bid by 20%, you would enter 1.2
  • To decrease a device's bid by 10.5%, you would enter .895
Checkin monday
Checkin tuesday
Checkin wednesday
Checkin thursday
Checkin friday
Checkin saturday
Checkin sunday

Adjust your bids based on the day of check in at the property.

  • To increase a day's bid by 40%, you would enter 1.4
  • To decrease a day's bid by 34.2%, you would enter .658
Length of stay 1
Length of stay 2
Length of stay 14

Adjust your bids based on how many nights are included in the reservation. This multiplier applies to all lengths of stay greater than or equal to the one currently being specified (up to a maximum of 14).

For example, to increase bids by 10% for lengths of stay between 1 and 6 nights, and decrease bids by 20% for lengths of stay between 7 and 14 nights, you would set Length of stay 1 equal to 1.1 and Length of stay 7 equal to .8.

Country AR
Country AU
Country US
Country VE
Country VN
Adjust your bids based on the country of the user.
Advance booking window min days 1
Advance booking window multiplier 1
Advance booking window min days 10
Advanced booking window multiplier 10

Adjust your bids based on how many days in advance the reservation is being made, also known as advanced booking window (ABW). The min days column specifies the minimum number of days in the ABW range to apply the multiplier to. The corresponding multiplier column defines the multiplier factor.

For example:

  • ...min days 1 = 1 (0-1 days)
  • ...multiplier 1 = 1.2
  • ...min days 2 = 9 (2-9 days)
  • ...multiplier 2 = 1.1
  • ...min days 3 = 90 (10-90 days)
  • ...multiplier 3 = .9

The maximum advanced booking window allowed is 90 days.


To delete a bid multiplier, use "delete_value" where you normally specify the multiplier's value. In the case of deleting an advanced booking window multiplier, "delete_value" does not also need to be specified in the ...min days column.

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