Local Inventory Ads

What are Local Inventory Ads?

Learn about Local Inventory Ads for your Microsoft Shopping campaigns.

Learn more about where Local inventory ads are available.

Local Inventory Ads are an advertising format for your Microsoft Shopping campaigns that allows you to showcase your products and local retail store information to nearby shoppers on Bing.com.

Why use Local Inventory Ads?

  • More volume. With Local Inventory Ads, you can use both retail stores and online stores to provide a better shopping experience for your customers and boost your click-through rates (CTR) and click volumes.
  • Increase sales at brick-and-mortar locations. Local Inventory Ads provide an opportunity for you to increase foot traffic and sales in your retail stores.
  • Promote products available locally. You can promote products that are available only in your retail stores.

Enhance your Local Inventory Ads with curbside pick-up

You can enhance your Local Inventory Ads by adding a Curbside pick-up badge. This feature lets potential customers know they can take advantage of curbside or contactless pick-up from your retail store.

To be eligible for curbside pick-up, you must:

  • Be fully onboarded and have live Local Inventory Ads running.
  • Provide a curbside or contactless pick-up option for customers purchasing products on your website who prefer to pick up the item at your retail store.

Contact your Microsoft Advertising account manager to learn more about curbside pick-up.

Sounds good! How do I get started?