How can I compare performance by date ranges?

Find out how to use period comparison reporting to compare your performance by date ranges.

Want to see how your campaigns have changed over time on the Accounts summary or Campaigns page without having to run reports and create pivot tables? Period comparison reporting lets you compare two different date ranges on a page.

You can compare in three different ways. Here are examples to explain how each works:

  • Previous period: If you currently have this week selected as your date range, then an example of the previous period would be last week.
  • Same period last year: If you currently have this week selected as your date range, then the same period last year will be the current date range last year. For example, if the current period is 4/10/16-4/16/16 then the same period last year is 4/10/15-4/16/15.
  • Custom: You can select any other time period for comparison. This time period can be any range and any length as long as it is within the last 3 years and does not include today.

Turn on period comparison reporting

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Accounts > Accounts summary.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools > All accounts > Accounts summary.

    Or, from the collapsible menu on the left, select All campaigns > Campaigns > Campaigns.
  2. Select the date range (or select the date picker).
  3. On the Compare toggle, select OFF.
  4. Select Last period, Last month, Last year, or Custom, and then select Apply.
  5. In the table, select the plus next to each performance metric to review the comparison.

    You will see the following sub columns:

    • Current Period (mm/dd/yy – mm/dd/yy)
    • Comparison Period (mm/dd/yy – mm/dd/yy)
    • Change (Current Time Period – Comparison Period)
    • Change % ((Current – Comparison)/Comparison * 100%)
  6. In the table, select the minus next to each performance metric to close the comparison.

You can sort, filter, and download all the sub columns and comparison data.

Turn off period comparison reporting

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Accounts > Accounts summary.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools > All accounts > Accounts summary.

    Or, from the collapsible menu on the left, select All campaigns > Campaigns > Campaigns.
  2. Select the date range (or select the date picker).
  3. On the Compare toggle, select ON.

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