Ad extensions are not supported for Audience campaigns. However, ad extensions may serve in Search ads delivered in audience placements.
Add additional information about your business to your ads with ad extensions.
Ad extensions are additional pieces of information about your business that you can add to your ads, such as a phone number or a link to a specific page on your website. Ad extensions are free to add and only charge for any clicks you get. Including ad extensions can improve the visibility of your ads, which can lead to more clicks and improve your return on investment.
Our algorithms optimize and balance the needs of users, advertisers, and constraints of the search results page. Our algorithms choose the best layout for each ad by evaluating hundreds of possible combinations based on all available extension data, allocated space, and the positive impact it can provide for advertiser and user. Standard performance reports are also available for all extensions. Learn how to create a report.
Note: Any ad extensions associated at the ad group level will override ad extensions associated at the account or campaign levels.
Even if an ad extension is eligible to serve, it's not always guaranteed to serve. Whether an extension serves depends on a number of factors. Here are a few listed below:
The relevance and quality of your ad
The relevance and quality of the extension data provided
Ad space availability on the page
User signals, like location, device used, etc.
Other extensions you enabled for your ad
Availability of extension data for competing ads
Best practice: Providing extension data allows our algorithms to evaluate all the possible layouts for your ad. It increases the chances of additional space being allocated and increasing clicks for your ad.
Ad extension types
Microsoft Advertising supports the ad extension types as summarized below. See the Learn more links for details about each extension and availability per market.
Action extension: An action extension is a call to action button in your text ad. You can select from a preset list of action types, which will then add a button to your ad that allows customers to interact with the ad to place an order, send a message, and more. Learn more
App extension: Add an app extension to promote your apps across PCs, tablets, and smartphones from your ad. Promoting app installs in your ad increases downloads and usage of your apps, as well as website visits. Unlike sitelink extensions, app extensions automatically detect a customer's device and operating system and take them directly to the correct app store. Learn more
Call extension: By using a call extension, you can provide a phone number that is not associated with a particular location, but is appropriate for all locations where your ads display. Learn more
Callout extension: Callout extensions provide an extra snippet of text that highlights your website's products or offers. This extension is not clickable and can appear in addition to your ad's description. Providing additional details about your website can make your ad more relevant to potential customers. Learn more
Filter link extension: Use filter link extensions to list multiple categories of products or features with unique links to each of these offerings. Easily combined with other extensions, filter link extensions can enlarge your ad format even further and present multiple avenues to different parts of your site, in addition to your final URL. Learn more
Flyer extension: Use flyer extensions to showcase your business's products, deals, and sale events. Flyer extensions display images (flyers) of your chosen products and promotions, providing potential customers with more information and increasing engagement. Learn more
Image extension: Add visual elements to your ad with image extensions. Providing visual elements to your ads helps them stand out and gives customers a better idea of what to expect when they select your ad. If you don't have any image extensions associated with your ad group, we'll apply autogenerated image extensions to them to enhance ad performance and make your ads more compelling to customers. Learn more
Not everyone has autogenerated image extensions yet. If you don't, don't worry—it's coming soon!
Location extension: When you enable a location extension, you can choose to show the address of your business location that is closest to the customer and also include a local phone number. Better yet, if the customer is viewing your ad on a smartphone, they can select that number to give you a call. Learn more
Logo extension: Promote your brand and stand out from the competition by displaying eye-catching logo extensions in your ads. Learn more
Price extension: Price extensions are pay-per-click extensions that display your products or services with their corresponding prices to potential customers on PC and mobile devices. Learn more
Promotion extension: Use promotion extensions to highlight deals for holidays and other special occasions. If you, for instance, want to highlight a Summer Sale using promotion extensions, you can include a promotion code along with the offer and expiration date. Learn more
Review extension: Potential customers like to know about other customers' experiences when searching for products or services. Share positive reviews from a reputable third-party source about your website in your ads with a review extension. You can paraphrase or use a direct quote from the source. Learn more
Sitelink extension: Sitelink extensions are additional links in your ads that take customers to specific pages on your website. This allows you to promote certain products, services, or sections of your website and take potential customers to the exact information they were searching for. This can increase both click-through-rate and conversions. Learn more
Structured snippet extension: Give potential customers more context on a specific aspect of your products and services. Learn more
Video extension: Video extensions are an interactive way to demonstrate products, services, and brand messages. Learn more
See the sections below for the steps to create and associate ad extensions with accounts, campaigns, and ad groups.
Create a new ad extension
Ad extensions can be created at the Account, Campaign, and Ad Group levels. As described in the steps below, choose Account to associate the extension with your account, and then you can associate the extension with campaigns and ad groups later as needed.
The steps to create ad extensions is the same for each ad extension type, with this exception: Call extensions can only be associated with campaigns and aren't shown at the account or ad group level. Follow the example steps below to associate a promotion extension.
From the navigation menu on the left, hover over Campaigns and select Ads & extensions > Extensions.
Select Account to associate the extension with your account.
Note: You can associate extensions with campaigns and ad groups later as needed.
From the extensions dropdown list box, select Promotion Extensions.
Select Create Ad Extension > Add new Promotion Extension.
Enter the extension details in the Add new Promotion Extension panel that opens on the right.
Select Save. The new extension is added and shown in the Selected Promotion Extensions list.
On the main page, select Save to finish adding the extension to your account.
On the same page, you can select the checkbox next to an ad extension and then edit or delete it.
Associate an ad extension with accounts, campaigns, and ad groups
You can associate ad extensions at the ad group, campaign, or account level. When ad extensions from higher levels in your account are predicted to improve your performance, they are eligible to serve alongside extensions of the same type from lower levels. We recommend that you associate extensions at a level that makes sense for your account and ensure they're relevant for any subsequent levels.
As described in the steps below, choose the Campaign or Ad Group level to associate an ad extension with campaigns or ad groups.
Call extensions can only be associated with campaigns and they are only shown at the Campaign level.
The steps to associate ad extensions is the same for each ad extension type. The only exception is that call extensions can only be associated with campaigns and aren't shown at the account or ad group levels. Follow the steps below to associate a promotion extension, for example, with campaigns or ad groups.
From the navigation menu on the left, hover over Campaigns and select Ads & extensions > Extensions.
Select Campaign to associate an extension with campaigns or you can select Ad Group to associate an extension with ad groups.
From the extensions dropdown list box, select Promotion Extensions.
Select Create Ad Extension and then select the campaign(s) or ad group(s) you want to add the extension(s) to.
Select Done.
From the Available Promotion Extensions list, select the extension(s) that you want to associate with the campaign(s) or ad group(s). Optionally, you can create a new extension and then select it from the list.
Select Save to apply the association.
Edit an ad extension
From the navigation menu on the left, hover over Campaigns and select Ads & extensions > Extensions.
Select the type of extension you'd like to edit from the dropdown list.
Choose whether you'd like to edit the extension at the Account, Campaign, or Ad group level.
Select the checkbox next to the appropriate extension.
Select Edit.
Select Edit an extension.
Make your edits.
Select Save.
Delete an ad extension association
From the navigation menu on the left, hover over Campaigns and select Ads & extensions > Extensions.
Select the type of extension you'd like to delete from the dropdown list.
Choose whether you'd like to delete the extension at the Account, Campaign, or Ad group level.
Select the checkbox next to the appropriate extension.
Select Edit.
Select Delete association.
Ad extension association limits
An account can contain up to 200,000 sitelink extensions and can contain up to 150,000 ad extensions of all other types combined. The entity (account, campaign, or ad group) to ad extension association limit varies by the extension type.
Ad extension type
Association limit per entity
Action extension
App extension
Up to the total number of app extensions in your account
Call extension
Callout extension
Filter link extension
Image extension
Location extension
Up to the total number of location extensions in your account