More ways to track and improve campaign performance

Once you have some experience using performance reports and optimizing your campaigns and landing pages, try some more advanced techniques and features.

Once you have some experience using performance reports and optimizing your campaigns and landing pages, consider trying some more specialized techniques and features. Here some suggestions for keeping your campaigns in tune, performing well, and producing the ROI you want to see. You can create any of the reports listed here by selecting it when you create a report.

Track keyword quality scoreexpando image

Why: Quality score indicates how relevant your keywords are to people's search queries or other input, and how competitive your ads and campaigns are over time. A low quality score means your ads are less likely to appear on the Microsoft Search Network when a keyword is matched.

How: Add quality score and historic quality score to your keyword performance reports. Use this information to optimize your keywords, ads, and landing pages.

Use the Top vs. other column to help improve your ad positionexpando image

Why: More people are likely to see your ad if it's in a top, or mainline, position (ad positions 1-4) rather than on the bottom or sidebar (ad positions 5-8) of the search results page.

How: Include the Top vs. other attribute column when you run account, campaign, ad group, ad, and keyword performance reports to:

  • Learn where your ad is displayed on the Microsoft Search Network.
  • Compare the cost per click (CPC) and click-through rate (CTR) between ads in the mainline and bottom or sidebar ad positions. Then optimize keyword bids as needed to improve ad position and campaign performance
Track the performance of your sitelink extensionsexpando image

Why: sitelink extensions can increase both CTR and conversions by taking potential customers to specific pages on your website with the products or information they're looking for.

How: Use the Microsoft Advertising ad extension reports to monitor the effectiveness of the sitelink extensions you're using.

Run share of voice reportsexpando image

Why: More impressions are the first step to improving ad position and CTR, as well as influencing conversions.

How: Run share of voice reports to get an estimate of how many more impressions you could be getting by taking steps to optimize your campaign.

Use negative keyword conflicts reportsexpando image

Why: If you have negative keywords that unintentionally conflict with keywords you're bidding on, you will lose impressions and clicks, and your CTR can drop.


Use the Keyword suggestions feature on the Recommendations tabexpando image

Why: Adding suggested words and phrases can help your ads get displayed more often and improve CTR and your conversion rate.

How: Review the suggested keywords, including the suggested first-page bids and estimated number of monthly searches for the keywords on the Microsoft Search Network. These stats can help you decide whether to add the suggested keywords to your keyword list. Learn more in Improve campaign performance with Microsoft Advertising Suggestions.

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