Get billing alerts

Find out how to sign up for billing notifications, including notifications with links to your end-of-month summaries of your payments for the previous month.

Billing alerts via email

Sign up to receive billing alerts for when your billing documents are ready or when there's an issue with your payment. The types of emails you receive depend on how you pay for Microsoft Advertising.

  • For prepay accounts, you'll receive an end-of-month email that links you to the summary of your prepayments for the month.
  • For postpay threshold accounts, you'll receive an end-of-month email that links you to the Billing tab. There, you can see all the payments you made once you reached your monthly billing date or your payment threshold, whichever came first. Learn more about billing threshold.
  • For monthly invoice billing, you'll receive an email that links you to the Billing tab, where you can see your invoice.

If you're a Super Admin, you can set email preferences for other users. Learn more about user roles.

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Preferences > Email preferences.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Settings and select Email preferences.

  2. Under Billing alerts, slide the switch on to receive email notifications if you have only one account. If you have multiple accounts, select the on/off button to open a menu where you can choose to receive email notifications for one, several, or all accounts.
  3. Select Save when you're done.

Changes to your billing notifications will take effect in the next billing cycle.

Monthly invoices via email

If you have a monthly invoice account, we can send your invoices via email to your accounts payable contacts on file. A Super Admin can designate anyone to be an accounts payable contact—including those without a Microsoft Advertising account. Go to Billing settings to update a contact's information.

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Billing & Payments.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Billing and select Payments.

  2. If you have multiple accounts, choose one from the account selector in the top menu.
  3. Select Billing settings in the main menu.
  4. Find the SAP ID you wish to edit. (If its details are hidden, you can reveal them by selecting the arrow.)
  5. Select Add accounts payable contact to add a person's email address, first name, last name, and phone number (with country/region code).
  6. Select Save when you're done.

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