Review keyword results by month, age, or gender

Use monthly, age, and gender data to improve your keyword bidding strategy in Microsoft Advertising Editor.

You can use monthly, age, and gender data to improve your keyword bidding strategy and help increase ad delivery to your target audience. For example, you can:

  • Use incremental bids on keywords that are frequently searched for by an age group or gender that you are targeting.
  • Increase your bid on certain keywords during months when they tend to perform well.
  • Remove keywords that perform poorly with a gender or age group that is important to you.
View monthly dataexpando image
  1. Select the campaign or ad group from the tree view in the left pane.
  2. Select Keywords under Keywords and targeting from type list in the left pane.
  3. In the data view, select one or more keywords.
  4. Click Tools and then click Keyword opportunities.
  5. Click Show traffic history.

    The Manager pane displays six columns of monthly data that show the number of times the selected keywords were used as search terms in each of the preceding three months, and the estimated number of times the selected keywords will be used in each of the next three months.

View age dataexpando image
  1. Select the campaign or ad group from the tree view in the left pane.
  2. Select Keywords under Keywords and targeting from type list in the left pane.
  3. In the data view, select one or more keywords.
  4. Click Tools and then click Keyword opportunities.
  5. Click Age demographic.

    The Manager pane displays six columns which show the percentage of the total searches for the selected keywords made by people in each of six age groups.

View gender dataexpando image
  1. Select the campaign or ad group from the tree view in the left .
  2. Select Keywords under Keywords and targeting from type list in the left pane.
  3. In the data view, select one or more keywords.
  4. Click Tools and then click Keyword opportunities.
  5. Click Gender demographic.

    The Manager pane displays three columns which show the percentage of the total searches for the selected keywords that were made by males, females, and people of unreported gender.

  • If some or all of the keyword results columns are not visible, in the Manager pane, scroll to the right.
  • If you want to change which columns are displayed in the Manager pane, do the following:
    1. Click columns icon.
    2. In the Select Columns dialog box:
      • Select the check boxes for columns you want displayed.
      • Clear the check boxes for columns you want removed.
    3. Click OK.

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