Microsoft Advertising Help Center
Microsoft Advertising Help Center
Know which product you want? Go straight to the source.
Microsoft Advertising
Use this advertising platform to reach millions of potential customers on the Microsoft Search Network
Microsoft Advertising Editor
Manage accounts and campaigns in bulk with this powerful desktop tool
Microsoft Monetize Now
Publish ads on search engines, select MSN sites, and applications
Microsoft Curate, Invest, and Monetize
(powered by Xandr)
Innovative, end-to-end advertising solutions, empowering brands and publishers to seamlessly connect, engage, and optimize ad experiences across every channel
Other resources
Bing Ads API
Documentation for advertisers and programmers who use the Bing Ads API
Microsoft Advertising iOS App
Download the mobile app for iOS to manage and monitor your campaigns on the go
Microsoft Advertising Android App
Download the mobile app for Android to manage and monitor your campaigns on the go
Microsoft Advertising Community
A forum for advertisers to get help and to share tips, tricks, and suggestions
Microsoft Advertising Learning Lab
Free, on-demand training about Microsoft Advertising, tools, and best practices
Small business advertising solutions
Microsoft Advertising small business advertising solutions and tools can help save you time and money, and boost your advertising performance.