Critical alert: No payment method has been added

If you are seeing the alert "No payment method has been added for Account ...." then you might still need to add a payment method.

If you are seeing the alert "No payment method has been added for Account ...." then you might still need to add a payment method. Your ads won't run until you’ve added at least one form of payment (for example, a credit card) to your postpay account or funds to your prepay account. To learn how to add a payment method, see Paying by credit and debit card.

Delete the No payment method alert

Already added a payment method? Alerts don't go away unless you delete them. (Some customers prefer to keep them as a record of account activity.) So if you've added a payment method and your ads are up and running, then you can delete the alert by clicking the X.

Trying to add a payment method and having problems? See I'm having trouble adding a credit card or debit card. If those tips don't solve your problem, then please contact support.

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