How to change payment methods

How to set (assign) a different card or payment method to pay your account charges.

You can use a different credit card, debit card, or other payment method to pay your account charges at any time.

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Billing & Payments > Payment methods.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Billing and select Payment methods.

  2. If you have multiple accounts, choose one from the account selector in the top menu.
  3. If the payment method you want to use isn't listed under Available payment methods, click the Add button for the type of payment method you want to add. Be sure to add all the required info and then click Create.
  4. Next to the payment method you want to use, click set as primary.
  5. In the confirmation message, click OK.

If you have any existing charges on your postpay threshold account, the charges will be billed to the new payment method at your next billing cycle. For a prepay account, you can add funds as soon as you've switched to the new payment method. However, if auto-recharge was set up for your previous payment method, you will need to set it up again for your new payment method. See Add funds to a prepay account for more information.

For a list of payment methods that you can use based on your account country, currency, and payment setting (prepay or postpay), see Choosing a payment method for Microsoft Advertising


Only users with full permissions (Super Admins) can add, edit, or delete a payment method. Standard Users can set existing payment methods as primary or backup. Learn more about user roles.

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