When to use the Full Account command

The Full Account command overwrites all of the data in Microsoft Advertising Editor, including any unsaved changes, with the latest account information from Microsoft Advertising, so use it only when necessary.

The Full Account command overwrites all of the data in Microsoft Advertising Editor, including any unsaved changes, with the latest account information from Microsoft Advertising. Use it only when necessary. Here are several scenarios for which you would use the Full Account command:

  • The Microsoft Advertising data is the most correct and up to date, and you don't have any changes in Microsoft Advertising Editor that will be lost if you restore your account.
  • You've been experimenting with changes in Microsoft Advertising Editor that you want to discard, and you're not sure that the Revert command will undo as many changes as you'd like.
  • You want to overwrite account data that is cached on a shared computer. You are working on a shared or public computer that has cached Microsoft Advertising Editor information that isn't relevant to your work or the accounts that you manage.
  • Your Microsoft Advertising Editor data is damaged or corrupted and must be replaced.


Changing your Sync Settings, getting data from Microsoft Advertising, or using the Full Account command to revert all changes will overwrite the data in Microsoft Advertising Editor. The changes that you have not yet posted to Microsoft Advertising will be lost.

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